Tell them you are objecting to the developmentHere is an example - JUST SELECT ONE OR TWO OF THE REASONS BELOW FOR REJECTING IN YOUR LETTER:
Councillor XXXXXXXXXX (details below of contact information)
i/we want to object to the proposed multi storey development that Lake Macquarie City Council have plans on an area of land in Bath Street that is essentially foreshore land currently used for Toronto overflow parking and residents and visitors who visit Toronto to recreate on the lake and make use of local social amenities. The reasons are - select a maximum of 3 reasons:
1. Council or contravening their own development guidelines as well as the state government recommendations on use of foreshore land.
2. Communities need open space that benefits them as a whole. Your proposal is a financial grab by council and does nothing to benefit the community as a whole.
3. Parking is already an issue in Toronto and failure to consider the parking needs of the community and its visitors renders you derelict in your duty of acting in the best interests of your constituents.
4. The proposed development has not been subject to any consultation with the local community and the current position by council is to only have consultation when the DA has been developed - after ratepayer money has been spent on a development that should not proceed.
5. The flow on effect of traffic into the Renwick Street precinct and Toronto Public School will create a bypass to the McDonalds lights - in impact that can only be negative for the residents of that area.
6. Where is the Toronto Foreshore Master Plan that shows how all these disparate elements of foreshore development fit together. How does the Bath Street site fit into this plan.
7. What are the costs and returns of the proposed Bath Street Development site. How can a DA be considered if this work has not been done - council need to be open about this. It is already apparent from some of the local agents that the development will not make any money.
Sign the letter in you name and send it off.
Have your friends, family and business associates SIGN THE PETITION. You can sign the petition on-line by clicking on the link - TORONTO FORESHORE PROTECTION PETITION or you can view (sample below) and print using the following link.

Printable version of the Petition to Lake Macquarie City Council to Save Our Toronto Foreshore
Make your friends, business associates and family aware of what the Lake Macquarie City Council is proposing to bulldoze through without community consultation and in contravention of their own current development approval guidelines.

Click this link to open up the printable version of the Save Our Toronto Foreshore flyer:
Printable version of the Save Our Toronto Foreshore Flyer