The Bath Street land that LMCC are proposing to develop

The Bath Street land with 4 and 6 storey residential towers

These pictures are indicative only but give you an idea of what a 4 and 6 storey residential building might look like on the Bath Street land that Lake Macquarie City Council are proposing to develop. Look carefully at the heights compared to the RMYC Toronto building on the bottom right.

The Toronto foreshore in the vicinity of the proposed LMCC development - currently used by members of the public who recreate on the lake and the foreshore.

The Bath Street land which LMCC propose to develop with residential apartments. It is for the most part currently used for Toronto overflow parking by members of the public - not RMYC club members.

The Bath Street land which LMCC propose to develop with Tourist infrastructure.

Overflow Parking In Bath Street
Toronto overflow parking in Bath Street - being used by members of the public - not RMYC club members, making use of a social amenity to attend a wake. Note the presence of the BreastScreen Van - where will it go if there is no parking.

Overflow Parking In Bath Street
Another photo - same day, of Toronto overflow parking in Bath Street - again being used by members of the public - not RMYC club members, making use of a social amenity to attend a wake. Again note the presence of the BreastScreen Van - where will it go if there is no parking.

RMYC Toronto parking area
Being used by club members and members of the public. The members of the public are parking in the area to attend a wake at a social amenity.

Toronto Public School in Renwick Street
If Arnott Street is opened up to the roundabout in Victory Parade, Arnott Street and Renwick Street will become a through Road endangering the lives of children attending the school
Renwick Street on a normal schoolday outside the Toronto Public School
Do we have to see lives endangered before LMCC change their minds about developing the foreshore land adjascent to the Yacht Club