NSW 2024
LakeFest on beautiful Lake Macquarie, just south of Newcastle is now in its Tenth year.
Arising out of the highly successful 2013 Heaven Can Wait Charity Sailing Regatta, LakeFest is a big aquatic festival on the lake, promoting sailing, other water and land based lake activities for boating enthusiasts, locals, holiday makers and families.
It was created by the Royal Motor Yacht Club Toronto, Lake Macquarie Yacht Club, Wangi Amateur Sailing Club, Belmont 16’s and Lake Macquarie Classic Boat Association hosts of Classic BoatFest which has been run each year since 2010. More recently Sailability, Toronto and Belmont 16's, the Canoe Academy and Croudace Bay Sailing Club have joined the fun.
The event consists of more than twenty four events and ten "clubs" now participate.
Check out the schedule...lots of fun for the aquatic enthusiast!
Lake Macquarie
7th-January till 13th-April 2024

For other questions and comments email info@lakefest.com